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Dr. Carole Rollins

Carole is an author-illustrator with a passion for inspiring children and adults to touch and feel the earth and experience the magic of Mother Nature. Carole believes that when we feel this awe and wonder deeply in our hearts, we will pass the appropriate legislation to heal and save our Planet.

Education and Experience
Carole has twenty-five years of experience in the field of environmental education. PhD. in Environmental Science, an M.A. in Environmental Education, and an A.B. and B.S. undergraduate degrees in Conservation of Natural Resources and Architecture. Carole initiated and taught an Environmental Education and Design Class at UC Berkeley for five years.

Awards, Grants, and Honors
Millennium Green Award, The White House, Eco-Garden Habitat
National Endowment for the Arts
The Wildlife Federation and The Audubon Society
The State of California Outdoor Education Program.
Commencement Speaker, College of Agricultural Science, UC Berkeley, her graduation ceremony.

Husband, Animals, and Plants
Carole lives in the mountains with tall, beautiful trees, her husband, James, two cats, Spirit and Sasha, and their dog, Natasha. She loves to create, whether cooking, writing, drawing, speaking, picking flowers, decorating, or sharing her creations. She loves to watch seeds grow and help struggling plants turn around and thrive. Her wonderful husband eats all of her food creations, no matter how they come out. What a sweetheart!


"We are each unique individuals, whether humans, animals, or plants. We are wonderful and glorious in our diversity and individuality, but we are also dependent on each other and interconnected. We cannot survive alone. We need each other and need to help each other to survive—as an individual, as a species, as a city, as a habitat, as a state, as an ecosystem, as a country, and as a planet. No matter what culture we come from, no matter what species we are (plant, animal, or human), we all need to work together to create a peaceful planet where we can all be friends and help each other fulfill our dreams and destinies as individuals and as a planet." Written by Carole Rollins, Ph.D.